
Request for Proposal/ UNICEF

  Request for Proposal/ UNICEF Request for Proposal (LRPS-2021-9165338) - AN ANIMATION STUDIO TO PRODUCE 3D ANIMATIONS TO SUPPORT THE PROMOTION OF BREASTFEEDING AND COMPLEMENTARY FEEDING IN NEPAL UNICEF is inviting proposals from qualified agencies registered in Nepal to produce 3D animations to support the promotion of Breastfeeding and Complementary feeding in Nepal. The detailed terms of reference and the bidding document can be accessed at

Expression of Interest (EoI)/ Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Nepal

Expression of Interest (EoI)/ Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Nepal Readvertisement of Expression of Interest (EoI) for NGO partnership in Resilient Communities through Vulnerable Earthquake Recovery (ReCoVER) Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is an international NGO founded in 1943 in the United States and has been working in more than 100 countries around the world supporting the most vulnerable communities to rebuild their lives, alleviate human suffering, advances full human development, and foster peace and justice. In Nepal, CRS has supported over 23,000 households and communities to rebuild their homes, infrastructure and livelihoods from the devastating 2015 earthquakes. Recently, CRS has been supporting households and communities in various districts to mitigate the risks and impact of COVID-19.

Vacancy Announcement/ Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology

Vacancy Announcement/ Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology Nepal Eye Program, Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, a centre of excellence in comprehensive eye care service delivery including training; research; intraocular lens manufacturing facility; eye bank and community program is currently looking for qualified Nepali candidates to apply for the following position on the time bound basis which is renewable thereafter subject to satisfactory performance. Ramlal Golchha Eye Hospital Foundation (RLGEHF) is running under the Management of NEP-TIO' Position: Ophthalmologist No. of Requirement: 1 work station: RLGEHF/TIO

Vacancy Announcement / UKaid / NHSSP / Public Health Jobs

Vacancy Announcement/ UKaid / NHSSP / Public Health Jobs Nepal Health Sector Support Programme (NHSSP) is a technical assistance programme to the Government of Nepal's Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) funded with UKaid. The programme is a technical component of the UK's support to the MoHP under the Nepal Health Sector Programme-3. It is designed to support the goals of Nepal Health Sector Strategy (2015/16-2020/21) and contribute to the MoHP's efforts to provide quality health services leaving behind. The programme is running from April 2017 and has recently been extended until December 2022 to cover the overarching priorities of Health System Strengthening at Sub National Level. It is implemented by a consortium that is led by Options Consultancy Limited, with HERD International and Oxford Policy Management.

Vacancy Announcement for various positions at Unique Medical College and Teaching Hospital

Vacancy Announcement/ Unique Medical College and Teaching Hospital Unique Medical College and Teaching Hospital Pvt. Ltd. is Currently seeking for the following: Vacancy Detail.

Vacancy Announcement/ Public Health Jobs/ Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL)

Vacancy Announcement/ Public Health Jobs/ Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL) Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL) announces the vacancy for Agriculture Sector Development Programme. ASDP is an undertaking of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD) with the major financial support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The Programme is in implementation through the fiscal year 2018/19. The duration of the Programme is six years. The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to the achievement of Nepal's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 1 - No Poverty and SDG 2 - Zero Hunger) targets by reducing poverty and nutrition insecurity amongst women and men in hill and mountain areas of Karnali Province. The purpose of the Programme is to contribute to the achievement of Nepal's SDG 8- Decent work and Economic Growth target through sustainable improvement in the income and food security of smallholders and disadvantaged p...

Vacancy Announcement/ Strengthening Systems for Better Health Activity/ Public Health Jobs

Vacancy Announcement/ Strengthening Systems for Better Health Activity USAID's Strengthening Systems for Better Health (SSBH) Activity is a 5-year project aimed at improving health outcomes in Nepal, particularly for the most marginalized and disadvantaged groups in the country. This will be accomplished through supporting the Government of Nepal's efforts to expand access to and use of quality maternal, newborn and child health and family planning (MNCH/FP) services, with a specific focus on newborn care. SSBH was initiated in January 2018 and will achieve three outcomes: Improving access to and utilization of equitable healthcare services, Improving the quality of health services at facility and community levels and Improving health system governance, within the context of decentralization and federalism. It is implemented in close collaboration with government counterparts at federal, provincial and municipal levels, as well as health service providers and managers and other...